Friday, February 8, 2008

Here's the plan, I think I got it made...

Yes, Stellar Kart, you've made it quite clear.

Hospitals are so stupid. I'm sure the original idea behind them was quite brilliant at the time it was conceived. But clearly, the brilliancy of the concept has been obliterated by rules, protocol and a non-stop barricade of administration.

Really, I totally get that health care here is free. I understand that I am privileged enough to have someone tell me what's wrong with me and not worry about how much it will cost in the end. But is too much to ask for few more doctors to, ya know, have around in case of an emergency?? Is our society so messed up that you can't find honest people who are willing to work for less to aide the rest of society?

I've seen too many people stand in a seemingly never-ending line in the emergency room, and I don't want to be one again. The state of condition that our hospitals are in is depressing, at best. I just wish I knew how to fix it. But I guess that's why there are people "higher up." Ya know, the ones who are there to find solutions to problems that us normal people are not capable of developing ourselves.

I really don't think I'm asking for much here. What I'm really concerned about is seeing sick people go in and come out... before they die.

I also decided that if I should die waiting in the emerge line, then I want someone to play Apologize at my funeral. Or Sere Nere, because I'm obsessed with that song.

This is purpose of my life, the is the reason I'm alive. Don't have time to wait.


Mike said...

So you want people to study hard, then go to university for 6-10 years, and spend their lives helping people for peanuts compared to what they could be making, as you live a successful life.

Anonymous said...

Peanuts? Hardly. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a whacko socialist bleeding-heart liberal, but give me a rest. Doctor's aren't the problem- underfunding is the problem. As always, I blame the Liberal government in the early 90's. "Gee, there's a budget deficit. Let's cut funding to any and all social programmes!"

Anyways, that's my rant.

Music is... a part of my very being.