Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane

- Chantal Kreviazuk

Ok, so I'm not leaving just yet. BUT! I am going to France to study in the Fall. I'm going to the Université François Rabelais in Tours. One of my teachers told me that the people in Tours think they have the purest French. "Français pur de Tours," they say. She also told me that that's the place to find all the castles. So, I'm definitely looking up castles to go see in Tours because well... who wouldn't want to see a real castle? (I mean, other than Casaloma :P)

I'm also planning a little trip up to Belgium to see some relatives. That should be nice. Also, since I'll be away from home during my birthday, I've decided I'll celebrate by doing something that I've wanted to do ever since I was little... I'm gonna go to Italy. Maybe for a weekend or something. I'm thinking Venice, Milan, Rome... Cathedrals, art, history and more. And I'm super-excited for it all. Like, just thinking about going there makes me nervous and excited and all those feelings I'm sure will reproduce the minute I get off the plane.

The hard part is being away from here. I've never been gone from home that long... and by home, I mean both Waterloo and Bowmanville. And everyone keeps telling me how much they'll miss me and like... I'll miss everyone too. So much. I wouldn't ever be able to replace the people I love with new, French ones, either. That's just a silly notion. So I'm hoping... they won't be able to replace me while I'm gone for three and half months. (I know, it's a silly notion.) And I get home sick really easily. But I know this will be a great experience for me, and I'm hoping to come back more cultured and with a better ability to communicate in French. (Not to mention I'm gonna have some awesome Christmas presents this year.)

Anyway, I'm not gone yet, so don't even think about looking for a replacement yet!

So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me.

Music is... a part of my very being.