Friday, June 12, 2009

This is my face, covered in freckles...

- Kate Nash

Today's blog is about makeup. No, it didn't take me three months to conceptualize the topic. Rather it took about 3 seconds. Why? Because I've heard the comment "You know, you'd look so beautiful/gorgeous/pretty/etc if you wore a little make-up" a few too many times. The funny thing is that this statement is always followed by "not that you aren't already" comment. Usually I just laugh it off in hopes that people will get the hint. I guess not. When they ask why I don't, I usually prefer not to go too in depth with my answer, and so I always end up giving them the excuse that I just don't have time for it. Which isn't untrue. I mean, if I wanted to, I'd make time for it. But I don't. So, what are my real reasons for avoiding makeup? Are you ready for this?

1) God didn't need make-up to make me.
Therefore, there's no reason for me to try to improve the way I look. He cares more about where and how my heart is, and frankly, so do I. Instead of trying to improve upon the way I look, I'd rather start inward and work my way out. If ever I find that what's inside of me is perfect, then maybe I'll consider wearing makeup. Which, by the way, is pretty impossible. Which, by the way, is my point.
2) Don't fix what ain't broke.
If I already am "beautiful/gorgeous/pretty/etc" then there is no reason for me to try to improve on that. Again, I care more about what's inside me and other people.
3) What does the Bible say about makeup?
Although I don't think the word "makeup" is used in the Bible, there are instances where it's mentioned in some way. Generally makeup is reserved for, well, prostitutes. Nough said?
Esther wore makeup. But for one reason... so that she could be pleasing to Xerses so he'd choose her to be queen, because he was obviously shallow. And she ended up being queen and saving her people. However, I'm thinking... that makeup is not going to help me save the Canadians. But if it came to that, I could do it.

Music is... a part of my very being.